
Hello! 8D

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_, I`m very glad to see you here!! It`s very pleasant :3 Where are you from? And what interested you in my diary?
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@темы: ПЧёлы

22.05.2009 в 17:18

You speak very well, i proud of you+)
22.05.2009 в 18:34

Her Highness

Yes. It's me Nekoris from dA. ^_^
22.05.2009 в 18:43

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
I`m happy, my teacher!! :alles:
22.05.2009 в 18:46

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ oh, now i see!)) I didn`t think someone from US could use this site :gigi:
22.05.2009 в 18:48

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza :D

I've managed to use it. It's pretty easy once I've learned the basic navigation. I'm also member of LI.
22.05.2009 в 19:15

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ it`s great when you can not only have your oun diary here and on LI, but also conversate with people!!))
I think, this sites mostly are used by russians and ukrainians, aren`t they? And i think not a lot of people speak english well 8)))
22.05.2009 в 19:19

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza Okay. o-o;

Yeah. I know I'm not allowed here. But I've made friends here already.

I'm sorry.
22.05.2009 в 19:30

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ what`s the problem?!O_o Ah, now i understand!! no-no, i didn`t want to say smth bad to you >< i just want to say that it is not so easy (in my opinion) to find persons who can speak english understandebly on this sites ^__^ They say, education in foreighn languages is not good in our counries =__=
The fact that you are here- it is very pleasant and exciting for both sides :white:
22.05.2009 в 19:32

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza No. I took it the wrong way. DX It happens alot. ^^;;;

It's okay if you type in Russian. I have Babel Fish to translate.

It's okay. Don't worry about it.

Yes it is!
22.05.2009 в 20:08

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ sorry- i do not always can express my thoughts in right way ^__^``
In your diary i`ll write in english- it is useful for my experience. I hope you don`t mind *_* I had started to study as translator from english. This is my 2nd education in university. The 1st is designer of architectural environment. And what is yours speciality?
22.05.2009 в 20:17

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza Don't worry about it. :P

Alright. I don't mind.

Oh cool.

I don't have one right now. I tried college but it failed in my second semister. x.x; I might try writing a book.
22.05.2009 в 20:42

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ wow! On what topic? :wow: I not so often meet persons who are going to write a book! 8)
22.05.2009 в 20:46

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza X3

The abandoned hospitals and the paranormal. I want to take photos of the buildings before they become something else or get knocked down.
22.05.2009 в 21:05

Himura~mechniza Your teacher is so happy, *dies* :-D
22.05.2009 в 21:49

Warnung: блюститель яоя!
_Sophia_Nightroad_ sounds attracting!
Юкиа :shy:
22.05.2009 в 21:51

Her Highness
Himura~mechniza Thanks. :P
22.05.2009 в 21:57

Himura~mechniza Sensei is so happy, *cryes* :-D

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